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What to Expect

When you visit First Lutheran, you will find:

            -The pure, saving doctrine of Christ as it was handed down by the prophets and the apostles.

            -A rich and beautiful heritage of Biblical worship and hymnody.

            -A caring family of believers that will gladly welcome and walk with you.


Expect heaven on earth:

  • Worship is first and foremost not something we do for God, but what our Lord does for us, to give us His precious gifts of life and salvation.
  • At First Lutheran, we really believe Christ’s promise that in the preaching of His Word and in His Sacraments “I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matt 28:20).
  • In the Divine Service heaven bends down to earth, and we are received into the presence of God Himself as He serves us with eternal gifts. That’s why our worship seeks to clearly convey the beauty and goodness of these heavenly realities.


Expect Jesus Christ, ever the same:

  • In the midst of an ever-changing and uncertain world, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Heb 13:8).
  • At First Lutheran, week after week, we receive the same Jesus and the same blessings experience by Peter, Paul, and all God’s people down through the ages.
  • We preach the same unchanging Biblical faith, now applied to your contemporary life and issues.
  • Our worship follows a historic pattern (laid out in a bulletin for you to follow along), as we join our voices with the Church of all ages in ancient and enduring songs.


Expect walking together in love:

  • We know this can all seem daunting when you first visit. Don’t worry, and don’t fear. Remember that Christ is here to serve and love you. It takes time to get used to anything new, especially heaven-on-earth!
  • In the meantime, the family of forgiven believers at First Lutheran will be glad to welcome you, walk with you, share Christ’s comfort with you, and help bear your burdens as we are all being built up together into a holy temple in the Lord, a dwelling place of God in the Spirit (Eph 2:21–22).


We invite you to come experience the faith, hope, and love which is ours in Christ Jesus.

“Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good” (Ps 34:8)!